Cost of Living

About Cost of Living Indices at this website

These indices are relative to New York City (NYC). Which means that for New York City, each index should be 100(%). If the country has, for example, rent index of 120, it means that on an average in that country rents are 20% more expensive than in New York City. If a country has rent index of 70, that means on an average in that country rents are 30% less expensive than in New York City.

  • Cost of Living Index (Excl. Rent): is a relative indicator of consumer goods prices, including groceries, restaurants, transportation and utilities.
  • Rent Index: is an estimation of prices of renting apartments in the country compared to NYC.
  • Groceries Index: is a comparision of grocery prices in the country.
  • Restaurants Index: is a comparison of prices of meals and drinks in restaurants and bars.
  • Cost of Living Plus Rent Index: is an estimation of consumer goods prices including rent.
  • Local Purchasing Power: shows relative purchasing power in buying goods and services in a given country for the average wage in that country. If domestic purchasing power is 40, this means that the inhabitants of that country with the average salary can afford to buy on an average 60% less goods and services than NYC residents with an average salary.

* Source